35 research outputs found


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    Affine completeness of some free binary algebras

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    A function on an algebra is congruence preserving if, for any congruence, it maps pairs of congruent elements onto pairs of congruent elements. An algebra is said to be affine complete if every congruence preserving function is a polynomial function. We show that the algebra of (possibly empty) binary trees whose leaves are labeled by letters of an alphabet containing at least one letter, and the free monoid on an alphabet containing at least two letters are affine complete

    Inf-datalog, Modal Logic and Complexities

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    Inf-Datalog extends the usual least fixpoint semantics of Datalog with greatest fixpoint semantics: we defined inf-Datalog and characterized the expressive power of various fragments of inf-Datalog in [CITE]. In the present paper, we study the complexity of query evaluation on finite models for (various fragments of) inf-Datalog. We deduce a unified and elementary proof that global model-checking (i.e. computing all nodes satisfying a formula in a given structure) has 1. quadratic data complexity in time and linear program complexity in space for CTL and alternation-free modal μ-calculus, and 2. linear-space (data and program) complexities, linear-time program complexity and polynomial-time data complexity for Lµk (modal μ-calculus with fixed alternation-depth at most k)


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    Inf-Datalog extends the usual least fixpoint semantics of Datalog with greatest fixpoint semantics: we defined inf-Datalog and characterized the expressive power of various fragments of inf-Datalog in [GFAA03]. In the present paper, we study the complexity of query evaluation on finite models for (various fragments of) inf-Datalog. We deduce a unified and elementary proof that global model-checking (i.e. computing all nodes satisfying a formula in a given structure) has 1. quadratic data complexity in time and linear program complexity in space for CTL and alternation-free modal µ-calculus, and 2. linearspace (data and program) complexities, linear-time program complexity and polynomial-time data complexity for Lµk (modal µ-calculus with fixed alternation-depth at most k)